Our Association
Our Association's objective is to protect the rights and interests of the Coombe Estate residents. We raise money to cover administrative expenses and the matter of permits through a small annual contribution from residents and institutions on the Estate. The Coombe Estate is comprised of almost 300 residences, three schools, two golf courses and conferencing facilities for two major businesses.
Members are defined in the Articles of Association

Our responsibilities
Our Committee of volunteers has responsibility for the employment of the Warren Road Gatekeepers (the costs associated with this are charged to residents through the Coombe Rate) and a Secretary providing administrative support.
MCRA prepares annual accounts for independent audit and presentation at our AGM and closely inspects Planning Applications on the Estate.
Royal Borough of Kingston Council (RBK) has responsibility for the maintenance of roads, footpaths, grass verges, lighting, drainage and facilities with MCRA liaising with RBK officers to ensure standards are maintained.
Contact us
MCRAÂ Secretary: